Here are some useful links:
Our Associations
Canadian Association of Music Therapists ressources
Atlantic Association of Music Therapy
Quebec Association of Music Therapy
Certification Board of Music Therapists (CBMT)
World Federation of Music Therapy
Advocacy and Local Resources
Moncton Autism Ressource Centre
Children’s Rights to Music
APSEA – Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authorities
Education and Early Childhood Development
Alzheimer Society New-Brunswick
Educational Tools
Current Research
Peer-reviewed Music Therapy Articles
Brain Plasticity and Music
Early Language Development
Therapeutic Effects of Singing in Neurological Disorders
The Neurochemistry of Music
Neurologic Music Therapy articles
Participate in a BRAMS study here
McMaster Institute for Music and The Mind research
Concordia University Research Projects
There is a limited amount of research in French. Presently, The AQM, Concordia University and BRAMS are driving French research in music therapy and related disciplines.
We also recommend a TED talk by Kathleen M. Howland called “How Music Can Heal Our Brain and Heart”. She very clearly explains the scope of music therapy in her talk.